I have known some interesting people in my life, people who couldn't say no to certain things... good people, who were just a little weak willed. Alcoholics, most of who have reformed, Junkies, who have gone straight, Pot-heads, who have woken up and realized there was a better way, so I feel that someone in my position is more than qualified to ask the question: What the fuck is wrong with gambling addicts? It's as fucking stupid as people who claim to be addicted to shopping, Oh My God I just remembered some bitch I saw on TV. talking about buying some ugly-ass dog for $1200 because it made her feel nice or something and her husband was such a knob he paid the bills and all that shit... I'd fucking push her down the stairs...
Oh... Sorry, gambling...
In writing this article I decided to do some research, and what I found alarmed me, appalled me and generally made me feel a little hungry. Read this next line carefully: A lot of gambling awareness sites are sponsored by Online Casinos. What does this mean, you ask, furrowing your brow in total non-comprehension... Well, this means that when going to a site to learn how to handle their addiction, gamblers are also bombarded with flashy banners and top-ten tables that lead directly to virtual casinos. One site had 2 banners, a page seeker, a top ten link table, and sections including: Online Casino, Sport Betting, Gambling and Lottery. With all this flashiness going on there's no way the person coming to the site for help will be able to resist. It might just be me but I personally think this type of site should be punishable by sex with weathered sailors.
Direct quote from the site, 'Here we will strive to inform you and help you with regards to everything you need to know about gambling addiction.', then, further down the page, 'So have a look around, we are sure you'll find what you are looking for.'... You sick bastards! You know damn well what's going to happen when these gullible assholes look around... Find what you're looking for? You twisted fucks, I hope you rot in hell.
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