10 signs that you might be a moron
1: You wear anything that flashes.
2: All your bangles/bracelets/miscellaneous jewelry is neon coloured or similar.
3: You own a pacifier.
4: You purposefully wear UV friendly clothing
5: You dance.
6: You dance like a moron.
7: You break dance, but can't.
8: You make any attempt to justify your lavish drug habit.
9: You know anything about the music scene in Germany.
10: Numbers 1-9 offend you in some way.
I mean for fuck's sake, I know people that used to be quite cool, until they were sucked in by the fashionably bi-sexual neon glare of rave culture. Fine, I'll put up with your shitty music, and I'll refrain from sucker punching you when you attempt to talk to me in your drug addled state, but as soon as I see any hint of flashing rings or neon bangles I'm out for blood. Also, don't even try to talk DJs with me, because I'll run home, get my guitar, and give you a machine-head-fresh colon inspection. I hate DJ's and all that they stand for, David Morales (or whatever the fuck his name is) is a brain fried moron and his musical talent is questionable at best.
Blah blah blah... Friggin' E-heads...
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